High School Capstone Year

Graduation and Entering Into the World from NOLI

To earn a diploma, NOLI offers a graduation procedure open to students who are enrolled in at least their third year at a NOLI center, must be at least 16 years of age at the end that school year, and they and their advisors believe they have the breadth of experience and skills, and have complete a capstone project or thesis, and are ready to enter their next phase of their life can complete the graduation process.

The student may choose to continue their education in colleges and universities or they may choose to enter directly into the world of education, business, trades, arts, crafts, technical vocations, or start their own business. Northwestern Outdoor Leadership Institute will provide assistance in preparing for any of these goals.

The Capstone Project

The capstone project experience is required for all Northwestern Outdoor Leadership Institute School students receiving a diploma. It integrates theory and application from across the student’s educational experiences.

Requirements Start the Capstone Project

To assure success in completing their capstone project before starting the capstone project the student must: - Successfully completed at least two years of documented NOLI course work as defined in the students’ program of work. - Successfully completed 24 months of active Leadership Participation and Demonstrated leadership ability. - Their Supervised Occupational Experience Project shows earnings and investments of at least $1,000 or at least 300 unpaid hours outside of class time. - Show participation in their Local NOLI School Program of Activities - Show lead at least five activities above their local NOLI Center level - Demonstrated a satisfactory record of meeting or exceeding trimester and yearly goals

Capstone Advisory Team

The Capstone Advisory Team Function

Your Capstone Advisory Team’s is there to assure that the student is successful at completing their capstone project and it that it demonstrates the high standards that our students should meet.

The Capstone Advisory Team:

The Capstone Team Will Consist of

The Capstone will Include

With the guidance and approval from the student’s core mentors and their NOLI Center Director NOLI The capstone project consists of a public presentation, portfolio displayed for public viewing, and one or more of the following:

Where the senior project does not consist primarily of a written document, advisors, may, where they deem appropriate, require some written documentation (length to be determined by the advisory team) to accompany the senior project. The precise nature or form of a senior project is to be determined by the student and the advisory team. The Capstone project is normally related to the student’s field of study, future employment, and/or scholastic goals, and is carried out under the daily direct supervision of the students NOLI Core Mentor and will give weekly updates to their Capstone and present their trimester presentations to them for review before the official presentation.

Team Project

The student’s capstone project need not be an independent effort. The Capstone Project maybe a collaboration with other graduating seniors and underclassmen.

Expected Outcomes:


This capstone project represents the accumulation of thousands of hours of developing skills and is the culmination of this phase of their education. The capstone project can be the work of a single individual or a team.

The project should represent:

A Capstone with High Honors

For the centers that have FFA Carters this is the same requirements as the FFA American Degree and the student will be eligible for applying to National FFA Association.

Students that have raised a high bar for themselves may work to the Capstone with High Honors which the following requirements which are above minimum Capstone requirements:

Archiving Capstone Projects

Each senior project will be archived electronically in their home NOLI Center and NOLI North Idaho Center library.

"We don’t rise to the level of our expectations…we fall to the level of our training."
—Archilochus, Greek Soldier, Poet, 650 BC
"Leadership is not about the next election, it's about the next generation."
—Simon Sinek